Friday, June 1, 2012

Get Busy Livin...

or get busy dyin'  That is a line from one of my favorite movies...Shawshank Redemption.  And that's what this blog is all about.  For a million little reasons I drew a line in the sand, and said enough is enough.  Mediocrity is killing me.  Sooooo many excuses to justify my not being where I want in life.  Sound familiar?  Its (fill in the blank) fault.  Don't even get me started. 

But I see people all around me make huge positive change in their lives.  They are healthy, wise, wealthy, poised, confident, and at peace.  And that's what I want. 

I'm starting from somewhere close to zero in relation to where I want to be.  But I'm taking that first step...June 1, 2012.    This blog is sort of my personal diary along my journey...and I hope you will be able to relate, and to gain some inspiration to overcome your own struggles.

Healthy Mind.  Healthy Body. Abundance in every good way.  And a soul that is at peace.

No more excuses, ever.  Life is what it is.  Dont wait till the PERFECT time to get started...start now. Today. 

So if your like me, and you can relate in even some small way, and you've drawn that line in the sand, count down with me.  3...2...1  START LIVING!

See You Tomorrow!

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