Saturday, June 2, 2012


Who you are right now...into who you're meant to be.   

Step 1.  Take The FIRST Step.   

He says, "Just because I can't do it today doesn't mean I am not going to be able to do it someday!"   

Let those words soak in for a few minutes.  I mean really deep down in your heart, in your soul..let it soak in.  Do what you gotta do to get them past your ego, and through your thick skull, and transcend all of your excuses... let those words become part of who you are.   This awesome fella is no different than you or I.  We all have to start somewhere.   He started somewhere.  Look at him now....

So do this, repeat that little phrase a hundred times, a thousand times, a million times, until you do...BELIEVE.   

Belief is just a thought you keep thinking.  Believe in yourself.  Believe in the person you are meant to be.

Start Living!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this video and blog Eric. It has only been two posts so far, but know that your words are providing my life with much needed inspiration. Thank you and I look forward to future posts.
